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White husky female

White husky female
White husky female
White husky female
White husky female

14 month old female husky not fixed needs rabies shot, this is a hard post to make but she needs a home better suited to her needs she is very skittish Unless you’re me or my youngest child, but she’s VERY dominant personality she needs a home where she is the only dog and preferably no small children and she needs a ton of work to break her of her dominance issues and she needs a fenced yard and someone who has lots of time for her. She hates being left alone and will run off if not on a leash. Does not like small dogs or cats. Very sweet when she knows you and loves car rides and sleeping at the foot of the bed. She has been my baby since she was small but I have small dogs and cats and a young cold and I’m just not the best suited home for her anymore I’ve tried but I’m failing and she just needs more help then I’m capable of. Small fee to insure a good home.


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