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Taking in pets that need a new home! (501c3, non profit)

Taking in pets that need a new home! (501c3, non profit)
Taking in pets that need a new home! (501c3, non profit)

Do you need to find a new home for your exotic, fish, bird, small mammal, or amphibian pet? Get in touch with me; I’m Maze, and I manage a reputable 501c3 nonprofit, hands-on animal resource. Our team of fosters and volunteers are extremely knowledgeable and ready to help more animals in need!

Any and all questions can be answered by text or email, our large official posts get flagged.

Tags (animals we have experience with): iguana, leopard gecko, crested gecko, tokay gecko, anole, moon crab, betta, gold fish, pletco, salt water, seahorse, peacock, mccaw, cockatoo, cockatiel, conure, finch, chinchilla, guinea and skinny pigs, scorpion, frog, tree frog, pacman frog, degu, rabbit, bunny, salcatta tortoise, red foot, box turtle, fox, great dane, chinese crested, reticulated python, ball python, san boa, emerald tree boa, snake, crocodile, alligator, camel, llama, zebra, dwarf equine, hissing cockroach, dubia, savannah monitor, nile monitor, puffer fish, oscar, hedgehog, axolotl, bearded dragon, the list can continue!



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