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Rehoming Husky Puppies

Rehoming Husky Puppies
Rehoming Husky Puppies
Rehoming Husky Puppies

Rehoming this beautiful puppies! We are looking for a good forever home for these babies! They are 2 months old. Dad and mom are full breed picture in post. Rehoming since we already have a lot of puppies and we can’t keep. We have 3 male and 4 female. No shots included. All blue collars are male and orange collars are female. We speak Spanish and English. Thank you! Please call or email for additional information!

Estamos buscando un buen hogar para estos perritos Huskys! Tienen 2 meses y cuatros son hembra y 3 son machos. Primer vacuna no incluida. Pap? y mam? son 100% Husky puros la foto estar? aqu?. La raz?n esque ya tenemos otros perritos y no podemos quedarnos con ellos. Los collares azules son machos y collares anaranjados son hembras. Porfavor llamar o mandar email. Gracias


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