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Looking for a bird lover to take in 2 budgies

Looking for a bird lover to take in 2 budgies
Looking for a bird lover to take in 2 budgies
Looking for a bird lover to take in 2 budgies

About 6 months ago I took in my mom’s 2 budgies after she was no longer able to care for them. I don’t have the right space/time to give them the best life, so I’m looking to find them a new loving home.

Looking for someone who…
* Already has some budgies so they’d have some buddies
* Has a nice large cage so they’d have more room to fly
* Lets the budgies have outside the cage time

About the birds: I believe they’re both boys, about 3 years old.
They weren’t socialized much when they were with my mom but I’ve been working with them since I got them. The yellow bird will reliably come stand on your hand for millet, while the blue bird is still a little timid.

Included with the birds will be their cage so they can stay in that for a bit while they acclimate to the new space/birds before being integrated into your cage. Also included is the food they’re currently eating (a mix of seeds and Harrison’s pellets).

If interested, please email me telling me about your existing birds/setup – pictures a plus!



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