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KMI Auto Services

KMI Auto Services
KMI Auto Services
KMI Auto Services
KMI Auto Services
KMI Auto Services
KMI Auto Services
KMI Auto Services

I’m offering my services and knowledge in mechanics. I’m attempting to establish a work-from-home situation for myself. I’m in Dayton, Ohio. able to work on virtually everythingthat has an engine and runs on some type of fuel. Small engine, gas engine, and diesel. (Diesel is a higher shop rate) I specialize in all things GM (Chevy,GMC, Pontiac,Saturn, ect) but work on all brands. Love working on small engines like lawn mowers as well! Shop rate is 65$ an hour, with the exception of diesel and small engine work. Ask my about my military and senior discounted rates! Message me for a quote! Email me first and I’ll give you a call


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