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ISO Service dog

This may be a long shot, but I am desperate. Maybe someone here can donate me a puppy to be a service dog? Or trade me for something? I have a really nice computer that was around $750. Or maybe someone can offer me their time to train one of my older dogs. I just don’t make enough to be able to pay for a puppy but I am pretty good at training dogs. I don’t really want a mutt unless it’s something that makes sense temperament-wise like a lab/golden retriever or a German shepherd/Belgian mal. I prefer a poodle of mini or standard size, I know a lot of people try to charge a lot for those but maybe someone can help me out and donate. I have documents of my disabilities on hand with a doctor’s signature, and I also have a doctor note that shows he has allowed me to have a service dog. Please contact my phone number if you are willing to help.


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