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aquarium fish and plants for re- homing

aquarium fish and plants for re- homing
aquarium fish and plants for re- homing
aquarium fish and plants for re- homing
aquarium fish and plants for re- homing
aquarium fish and plants for re- homing
aquarium fish and plants for re- homing
aquarium fish and plants for re- homing
aquarium fish and plants for re- homing
aquarium fish and plants for re- homing
aquarium fish and plants for re- homing

Plant selection:

Corkscrew val – $1/ stem
Var. Val – $1/stem
Dwarf sag – $5/bundle
Hornwort – $5/bundle
Hygrophila ‘willow’ – out of stock
Tiger Lily – out of stock
Cryptocorne wendtii – $3 small, $5 medium

Yes we have fish as well.

Cpds- 6 for $30
Panda angels quarter to silver dollar sized – $10 a fish
Variety of different guppies ranging from $3-10 per fish.
Limia – $3/ fish sexed $7/ fish or 6 for $15
Black ruby barbs- 6 for $30 or $ 8/ fish.

De Pere,Wisconsin


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