Border collie puppies
Border collie puppies ready for forever homes mid February. Puppies will come with first vet visit, shots and deworming. Both parents are on premises and are our personal pets. Rehoming fee applies. 3 males and 1 female available. Text show contact info for more information.
Savannah monitor
She needs some work with handling. Shes a great eater. Just her no enclosure. I’m moving. Asking small rehoming fee of $60.
I have a feisty ferret cage and a 3 tier plastic ferret cage I would like to sell. All pieces are there. Asking $80.00 for the feisty and $40.00 for the plastic one. Obo. Cages have been cleaned and are ready to go.
Purebred Lab Puppies
We have 3 yellow males 1 yellow female 3 black females and 1 black male and 1 chocolate male. They will be ready for their forever home March 3rd. Please call or text if interested
4 month old great dane
Great dane birth date 9/29/2022 has had two sets shots and been wormed been working on potty training with crate been doing really good with crate, asking removing fee if interested please text me at show contact info ( no texting me asking me to except number)
Mascovy ducks and puppies
Male Mascovy ducks available. We have a few German shepherd mixed with American bulldog puppies with affordable adoption fee. Vet checked and de-wormed. Looking for there forever homes. For more onfo call show contact info for pics and adoption info.
German shorthaired pointer dog
Meet Henry! This boys is looking for a loving home, he is good with dogs, cats and kids of all ages, he’s also good on leash. Adoption fee is $175 and he is completely vetted and neutered. Message me if you would like to meet him.
Syrian hamsters
I will have 2 litters of baby Syrian hamsters available 2/15/23 and 2/17/23. I can send more pictures if interested. Syrian hamsters are solitary animals and have to be housed alone. Located in Mount Carmel 17851 so please check the distance before contacting me. There is a $10 rehoming fee for each baby.
CKC registered Yorkie puppy
rehoming of a yorkie puppy. She is white and 2/3 months old. fun, daring, and ideal for families. She gets along well with cats, small dogs, and young children. pleasant and bubbly personality Will come with kennel, dishes, toys, collar, leash, blanket. She is not utd on shots, and is not spayed. Rehoming fee applies. ...
Beautiful Looking for a loving home for my TWO month old boxer puppy rehoming fee of each will apply
Hedgehogs and cages/supplies
I have 2 hedgehogs that need new homes, one male and one female (they are mother and son). There is a rehoming fee of $200 each, which includes their individual cages (extra large Midwest wabbitat cages, they’re around 2ft by 4ft in size), wheels, heat lamps, etc. Pick up in Winchester, IL.
Reed 205R 5” Swivel Vise
In good shape. No breaks or cracks. Cash only. Local pick up in Collegeville only. No shipping.
3 months old… (Boxer)
Have 2 boys both r 3 months old Boxer. 1st shots and wormed. Need new forever homes.text for info
12 week old Boxer puppy for rehoming
Two male 12 week old Boxer puppy for rehoming. Vet. checked, wormed and first shots. Text me If you’re interested Type your Email address
The older 2 are a little skittish around new people so they would need a couple play dates to warm up, but they’re very sweet. Housebroken and crate trained. Good with other animals. Small rehoming fee.
Ball Python
I have a friendly ball python for sale. I’m thinking $200 for it and $300 if you want the tank with it. I’m not sure about the gender. It’s pretty big. It eats live mice. Text me for images or if you’re interested at show contact info If you don’t think the price is fair ...
cutest male Shorkie puppy
Just in time for Valentines Day! He was born Thanksgiving Day 2022. He weighed 2lbs 5 ozs on January 29th. He is very playful and people friendly! This is not a scam! He has his shots up to date, vet checked, He reminds me of a Teddy Bear, soo fluffy & Cute! Tails docked, dew ...
black German Shepherd
solid black, AKC registered male pup. shots, already vet checked, OFA certified parents, DM clear. very healthy, happy and well bred