Boston Terrier Puppies 600
Boston Terrier puppies 2 males 1 female. They are liver and white and Sable and white. Sweet hand fed babies.
American bully puppies
ABKC registered American Bully puppies available. Black tricolor, male and female. 10 weeks old, born Dec 1st. I own both parents. Father is chocolate tri and Mother is blue tri. They’re both sweet, indoor family dogs. Great with kids and other pets. They will come with their ABKC papers and up to date on shots ...
American bull dog free
Our 1.5-year-old bull dog is quite hyper, so you’ll need to have lots of energy to take care of her. She requires a backyard with a fence because she is an indoor dog.ll her shot and has a microchip we have her on hart worm medicine she needs some that can play and run with ...
Baby chinese dwarf hamsters
I have 4 male Chinese dwarf hamster babies ready for homes. 2 chipmunk coloring and 2 dominant spotted colored. About 8 weeks old Asking $15 a piece
Great Dane
2 10 week old female great Dane pups looking for new home. Shots utd, purebred, parents on premises. Call or text show contact info to meet these beautiful ladies
AKC Standard puppies
9 weeks old. AKC Standard puppies ready to go. All have blue eyes. Two cottlet females and one Merle left.
Full Blooded Male Weimaraner Pup
I have a male Weimaraner puppy he’s full blooded no papers and he’s had shots he’s going to need some updated ones. His birthday is September 4th 2022 so he’s 5 months old now. We just got him a couple days ago and cannot keep him due to our moving situation and me beginning to ...
blue and gold macaw
10 year old blue and gold macaw very talkative and intelligent. will talk to you all day. must stay on top or on a cage of some kind. full access to food, needs rope or toys to interact with. I never put in cage unless i leave the apartment. with cage and rehoming fee. show ...
Male Doberman puppy. Approx 12 weeks old. Dad is Russian. Mom is Siberian. Can come with or without papers. Very high bloodline. Contact show contact info
do your homework
A field is racist b/c slaves worked in fields? There’s so little racism in the US that Democrats have to invent racism HOAXES. :Dennis Prager/Conservative Talk Radio (Schools are trying to make us racist again!) And, many schools don’t teach basics well. :Stranglehold. How Union Bosses Hijacked Government. R Larson. ’99 / online.
Male ferrets
I have 2 male ferrets to rehome. Both under a year old. They’re just too much for my daughter. Asking $300 for both. This does not include the cage. Will sell their cage with them for additional $100. Serious inquiries only please.
Aussiedor Pups
Aussiedor puppies. Mom is full blooded registered Blue Merle Australian Shepard. Dad is full blooded registered Chocolate Labrador. Puppies are absolutely beautiful! Wormed and first rounds of shots and immunizations complete. Ready for their new homes. Please help find the babies their forever homes. Rehoming fee required Update: 2 pups remaining. Chocolate male and black ...
AKC Pure-bred Silver Labs
PUPPIES–The perfect Valentine gift for your family, a friend, or for yourself!! Ready for your home by the 1st of March. We have a new litter of 9 “very” Silver – Labs. This is a litter of AKC pure-bred Silver labs. We have 5 females and 4 males to choose from. Mom is named Luna. ...
3 dogs
I have 3 dogs that need to be rehomed. An incident happened with my husband and I am not able to take care of them. Daisy is about 3 years old and still friendly and playful. Dog dog was a stray we took in 2 years ago so we don’t know to much about her ...