Boar Nubian doeling
Boar Nubian doeling She will be a year old in May… She it will be a small goat… She is polled… Grimsley Tennessee pick up only
Weimaraner puppies ready now
Puppies of the Weimaraner breed are waiting for your affection! Silvers, blues, and two extremely rare longhairs! Docked tails, deworming, and initial vaccinations. There are both parents present. Dad is a 90lb silver , mom is a 70lb. blue. Puppies to loving family-pet homes only. Please message me to come pick your new baby!
Young kitten
This is Snickers, She is 5 months old, She is playful, She is only partly socialized so will be a bit of work in that department. Gets along with other cats and kittens.
Till my back yard?
Looking for someone to till up my backyard. Weather has prevented me from doing it thus far, but looking forward to better weather soon. Message me and let me know.
lab puppies
Excellent Bloodline Purebred Black Lab Puppies. Ready to be rehomed at 8 weeks on January 4th. Great Christmas Gifts! These puppies come with full registration packets and will have shots. Dewclaws have also been done. You won’t find better pups around. We own both parents, the Sire (Diesel) is the best hunting dog I have ...
Pantyhose male here
36 male,,,nylon feet here, can meet in these areas,,,seriously inquire only plz,,foot jobs and fun
Female Englilsh Coon-Hound
2 year old female English Coon-Hound. Re-homing fee $20. Call anytime 9-one-8 three-two-3 5-six-40
Australian Sheepdog/ terrier mix
He’s one years old, we are looking for a new home for him. We cant give him the attention he needs. $100 or $150 with food and treats extra $25 for the cage. Shots are up to date and dewormed
Guitar / singer
I am a seasoned guitarist and singer if you find yourself seeking for someone to perform at your wedding, garden party, or other event. I mainly play oldies with a little country thrown in, including James Taylor, Neil Young, Crosby, Seals Nash, etc.
Barn cats needing a new home
I have 3 working cats that need a new farm to call home. We sold are farm and found homes for most of the cats these 3 are still looking. Feel free to text me if you are interested. show contact info . There is 2 females they are up to date on shots and ...
Lost orange tabby nutured male cat
young orange tabby cat with front decals. Previously, he had never gone out all night. Went missing on Saturday. had his phone number on the tag when he vanished. called Nemo. Please call if u find him, our kids miss him terribly. Went missing by ferguson school klamath falls OR. Please help get him home
orange kitty
Here’s Enzo He is a very nice boy who is about three months old. He’s not fixed, so when he’s playing, he can be a jerk, but he’s a good kitten nevertheless. I’m not an able to take him back home with me and I hope to find him a good home
My Final Hour seeking dark keyboard player and more !
Need serious players. Looks showman ship From the creator of Love & Opium Looking to do some original stuff But lots of hard cool covers Influence for originals and covers Him Entwine Poison Black End of green Covers Pantera Alice In Chains Soundgarden Type o negative Wasp
Extra Large Bird Cage for Small Colony Birds
The cage will come with all of the small bird accessories. This includes feeders, baths, water, gravel, toys, nests, swings, cage cleaner, brushes, the storage bins underneath, etc. Note: this gauge of wire is rated for small birds. I apologize in advance, it won’t be the cleanest as I don’t have a hose. Pick up ...
8 week beagle rehome
rehoming 8 week old beagles Seeking forever home text/call for more info 434.four 89-625 four