Rehoming Frugs
Rehoming Frugs.They where born on Christmas Day. There are 3 boys and 1 girl left. They are half pug and half frenchie. Message for details.
Anatolian shepherd mix puppy
Cute little girl puppy, mom is anatolian shepherd , dad is Cane corso mix. Born 12/24. Needs to go to home with a yard. Rehoming fee of 100$. Please text at 5 0 9 5 7 1 5 6 1 5.
Toy poodle mix
Black toy poodle and yorkie mix male and female. Have a little red female for $700. possess shots. Pad-trained puppies. two months old could meet. Friendly sweet.. also have 2 brothers toy poodle chinese crested mix 7 months old $500.also have male brown black puppy 2 months old chinese crested toy poodle mix 650$.no papers
Bunnies in need of good home
I am sorry to have to rehome a bonded pair of female rabbits, but I am moving out of the state and am unable to bring them with me. They both enjoy being picked up and are quite lovely. They have never bit or show aggression to anyone. The black and white one is named ...
Anybody interested in bowling. Looking to finding someone who would like to do that. Thanks. Have a good day. Southgate is where I go. They have special during the week.
English bulldog
Rehoming my 1 1/2 years old english bulldog, message me with any questions show contact info
Lost Bluetooth speaker reward
Lost my JBL charge. Blue grey speaker is about a year old. Doesn’t really hold a charge that well anyomre, Offering twenty reward, no questions asked just want my speaker back
Yard cleanups
own a tractor. With loader and dump trailer will clear up yards brush piles garbage tiny demo dirt piles your contact information and phone or text anytime for an estimatedeliver gravel remove junk cars or or trucks
Drummer looking for a new project
My influences are pop-punk, easy-core, post hardcore, emo, and metal (my double bass chops are so-so). Let’s jam and see what happens. I can provide recordings I’ve done if you want to hear. -Dave
PLEASE READ ALL OF POST BEFORE CALLING OR TEXTING Im am very sadened to have to do this but do to my change in wprk hours I have to Find a new home for my 7 yr old bully Kuruk aka KoKo hes very funny and likes to talk enjoys back rubs and loves to ...
Uber type senario
Uber type scenario-you in the back or front doing what ever makes you happy. I am M.
On the road again …
Trump’s 2024 Campaign So Far Is an Epic Act of Self-Sabotage Donald Trump is running against himself—and losing. From his low-energy announcement speech at Mar-a-Lago to his dinner with the Hitler-praising Kanye West and the white supremacist Nick Fuentes, Trump has courted more controversy than votes since launching his bid in November. He has held ...
French mastiff and Spanish mastiff
Cute pup looking for home contact for more info.. copy paste link
Pitbull x Bully pups
These are our last pups we have available! They are 2 months 1 Male and 2 female available Message me if you have any questions 4624292
Pomeranian puppy
8 weeks old female Pomeranian puppy. Very adorable and good with kids and animals. First shot and dewarming. Rehoming fee apply
Boomer guitarist wants to play music
Moved to Culpeper a couple of years ago and would like to find some local rock ‘n’ roll friends. I’m looking for just about any opportunity to get together and make music. Acoustic, electric, or in-between, it’s all good. I can play rhythm and bass but prefer playing lead or trading off. I’ve sung backup ...