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What is the US Constitution?

You have to stop being so angry and letting things outside your control rule your lives.

What is the U.S. Constitution? It was never intended to be a document of laws the government was required to follow. It was a message to the general public that in spite of any government, you must defend these “unalienable rights” as “we” have described to you, that you have them, they are yours, and you can depend on them, regardless of weather the government, nor the Supreme court who’s task it is to defend them, will do so, for when a government becomes tyrannical, they will no longer keep their oath, and the first thing to go is any constitution.

Here are some examples of the rights you still have though your government no longer honors them.

1st Amendment: Free speech. I don’t recall any exception in the constitution to free speech, nor any mention of “Hate speech”. Like in China, and Nazi Germany, a tyrannical government will present this and it’s definition, first pitting citizen against citizen, followed by implementing by force, such speech against the government. You have the right to free speech, but anytime we see times such as these, you must be careful of what platform you use, for big brother is always watching and considers you a threat. The revolutionary war was successful because of the printing press, today it is the internet, but even then, “incognito” was the order of the day.

Second part of 1st amendment: Freedom of religion. This has been taken away by our government by exceptions and “language bending”. You have the right to express your freedom of religion, so long as you keep it private, do not display symbols of that religion, don’t speak to others about it, and you have to do business with those who’s religions or activities require you to abandon your religious beliefs. In other words, you do not have the freedom of Religion.

2nd amendment: Right to bare arms. In this country we have been given the right to bare arms, to protect ourselves from one another, and also from a tyrannical government. Even in the 1770’s, there were those criminals to be taken into consideration, but The Framers found it more important to accept that sacrifice and list that as a right. But a tyrannical government that ignores it’s constitution will engage in “language bending”. We are in the middle of that. You have the right to bare arms, but our government has separated an “arm” into it’s various parts. You have the right to bare arms, just not the ammunition, nor key components of your weapon.

You nor I can “demand” your rights. Even if a government agency looses in court, they are using public money to test the waters, to see what will stand, and using the time things are tied up in court, to suppress your freedoms. So stop being angry about it. This is the way of all governments, and the fundamental flaw of democracy, is that it has the ability to “vote” itself out of existence. So it wouldn’t matter if you live in a democracy or under a dictator or Monarch, it is up to each individual to live as if they have these rights, but to tread carefully, for in the eyes of any government, the “free individual” is considered a threat.

Wishing everyone the best.



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