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More Miscellaneous Stuff

More Miscellaneous Stuff
More Miscellaneous Stuff
More Miscellaneous Stuff
More Miscellaneous Stuff
More Miscellaneous Stuff
More Miscellaneous Stuff
More Miscellaneous Stuff
More Miscellaneous Stuff

More random items from my “What Not” shelves…
Mini Remote Vehicle ($5.00), Desktop Director’s Chair ($5.00), and Magnetic Paper Clip Holder ($5.00). Sleeping Baby figure (from the late 1950s) — $10.00
• 2002 McDonalds/Coca Cola Mini Plush Polar Bear Toy — $5.00
• Two Flamed CD/DVD cases — $7.50
• Fix Your Ford – Owner’s & Mechanic’s Handbook — $5.00
• Fix Your Chevroet – Owner’s & Mechanic’s Handbook — $5.00
• 1989 Chevrolet Owners Manual — $5.00

Email me if interested . . .



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