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Huckabee? Seriously?


Apparently somebody out there has the hots for Sarah (seriously?) because they keep flagging this rather than pointing any factual argument or offering any rational debate.


So, the GOP, in all it’s wisdom has chosen as it’s Shining Star to “Rebut” Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address none other than Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the Governor of Arkansas, the 47th most DEVASTATINGLY FAILED…..TOTALLY FAILED State in the Nation which has been under Republican control for decades. You can’t make this up!

Even her hometown Newspaper, days after is reporting on how bad her “Rebuttal” was. They called it Word Salad. She threw out the same old tropes…”Socialism”, “Woke”, “We hate Democrats”, but absolutely ZERO substance. ZERO policy suggestions to help Working Families in the U.S. or even in Arkansas.


Dead last in Healthcare Quality
41st in Education
43rd in Infrastructure
41st in Economy
48th in Crime & Corrections

She’s from the party of Marjorie Greene Taylor, Lauren Boebert, Ted Cruz, Ron Johnson, Lindsey Graham, Louis Gohmert, Jim Jordan, Kevin McCarthy, Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, Kristi Noem, Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton, Rick Scott, etc. and of course, Donald Trump.

And she speaks of “Crazy vs. Normal”???? Hahahahahahahahaha!


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