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Hotel Laundry Attendant

  • Employment type : full-time

El grupo de peque?os hoteles Historic Tennis Club est? contratando a un asistente de lavander?a.
El puesto es de nueva creaci?n y ayudar? a 3 hoteles a poca distancia a lavar, secar y doblar la ropa. Adem?s, ayude a las amas de casa con tareas peque?as, como limpiar las camas para recoger la ropa m?s r?pidamente. Al principio 5 horas, podr?a crecer en m?s.
Se entrenar?, pero la experiencia es bienvenida.
Empleador de igualdad de oportunidades.

Historic Tennis Club group of small hotels is hiring Laundry Attendant.
Position is newly created and will assist 3 hotels in walking distance to wash, dry and fold laundry. Additionally, help housekeepers with small duties like stripping beds to collect laundry more quickly. At the start 5 hours, could grow into more.
Will train, but experience is welcome.
Equal opportunity employer.

Palm Springs,Florida


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