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Do you want to learn to sing?


Do you want to learn to sing?
Do you love to sing but only do it in the shower because you don’t think you have a good voice?
Are you experiencing pain, discomfort, or difficulty singing in certain areas of your voice?
Do you want to learn to sing with ease, confidence, heart, and power?

Your search stops here. My name is Kiara Duran and I will show you how to find and release your authentic voice with a kind, clear, and warm approach. The human voice is an instrument just like a piano or guitar and anyone can learn to play it. We have so much shame around not being able to naturally and magically sing well but don’t put that kind of pressure on ourselves with other skills like typing on a computer and driving a car. Singing is a skill that takes time, effort, practice, and repetition to develop just like any other one. Singing will no longer feel tight, achy, or anxiety producing with the optimal technique I teach. Through our work together, singing will become fun, freeing, connecting, exhilarating, and a potent expression of your spirit. Let me show you how.

I have 18 years experience teaching voice to students ranging from two to ninety years old and a vibrant performing career in pop music, cabaret, and musical theatre. I love what I do and look forward to meeting you and helping you discover your truest, realest, most beautiful voice!

Check out these videos to get a sense of my work:
youtu.be/J-AjTkm7-9A – “Let It Go” with 2-year-old Jane with hiccups 🙂
youtu.be/zxoSQdT5mOY – Singing with my dog, Tucker, who matches pitch!
youtu.be/orCQ924m_yA – Preparing kids to perform an original musical we co-wrote


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