Congratulations to the West Virginia Soccer Player (Revised)
For scoring a legal victory over her coach who berated and benched her because she refused to do the pre-game kneel in a social justice show of support for BLM. The lawsuit pits former player Kiersten Hening against the team’s coach Charles Adair, alleging that he became furious when she refused to kneel in support of social justice movements, primarily her objections to the Black Lives Matter organization’s mission statement. She is white, the coach is black. Imagine that. She does not buy into the BLM mission statement, particularly where they advocate defunding the police and are against the nuclear family.
How ironic that BLM is against the nuclear family. One of the biggest issues adversely affecting the black community is the lack of a father figure in their families. Does the black community address this issue? No. They focus on white cops rough handling of uncooperative black perpetrators, (some of which have pointed weapons at the cops), which is miniscule compared to one of their biggest problems (families without fathers). Where is BLM when black cops shoot black perps? Nowhere.
Defunding the police clearly does not work, either. The major cities who reduced the budget for their police departments saw a significant rise in crimes (and these are in Democratic controlled cities). Some communities have recognized that defunding does not work and increased the police budgets, which in turn began to see a reduction in crime. This is one of the many issues that the soccer player finds wrong with the BLM movement.
The legal victory over the Virginia Tech soccer coach is but a small step to preserving free speech rights, among other things.
BLM is clearly a fraudulent domestic terrorist racist organization. They are fraudulent because the founders bought multi-million dollar homes in exclusive neighborhoods using donations and tried to justify it saying that these homes are “for the people”. But who lives there? Cullors, one of the founders of BLM. They also failed to pour funds into impoverished black neighborhoods as they promised. They bought expensive champaign and high-end furniture instead. Maybe they knew that the money would be squandered.
They are domestic terrorists because during the “peaceful” protests in 2020, they vandalized, looted, and burned businesses, some of which were black owned, in these democratic run cities. They accosted restaurant patrons demanding they voice their support for BLM, got in their faces, and occasionally arrogantly took food and drink from them. They blocked streets and demanded that drivers honk their horns in support of BLM and maybe they let them proceed. If not, they damaged their cars and/or threatened them with physical harm. It was all in the news reports at the time.
They are racist because they clearly hate white folks, demonstrate against white police (as mentioned above) and make unrealistic demands on white people (demanding that white people hand over their material possessions to blacks as stated on their website andor news reports.) They are all over the place throwing their hissy-fits against white police officers and white people who defend themselves, but not for black cops. The McCloskies are a prime example. Remember them? They are the white couple who defended their private property with guns when black protestors broke down their gate, trespassed onto their yard and threatened them with physical harm, even threatened to kill their dog and burn down their home. A black D.A. went after them with a vengeance. Obviously a racist D.A.
It’s long past time for standing up for what is right and defying the BLM, liberals, LGBTQ+ agenda, (including trans gender males in women’s sports), CRT, the left, and other ills of this society we try to live in. Too bad the social justice warrior businesses who cow-toe to the BLM agenda continue to throw money at them and don’t have the backbone to stand up to their unrealistic demands, and who fail to see them as they really are: a fraudulent domestic terrorist racist organization.
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