CDL-A Driver & Free housing
Free housing with employment (save $1,400.00 monthly)
That would be $350.00 a week, so you are making $1,400.00 a week!!
Looking for a truck driver with at least two years’ experience, due to insurance (ask about possibilities with less than 2 years).
We are also looking for a driver-ranch worker that has the ability to help run the farm too! That can drive when needed.
Dedicated run. Must have doubles endorsement and prefer to have snow experience. You will live on the property for free, as part of your employment. But when your employment ends so does the housing. To haul loads of hay from Battle Mountain, Nevada to Modesto, California area. There is a trailer to sleep in when at your destination. Spouse and family welcome to stay on property in Battle Mountain also. We are about 45 minutes from town, and it is beautiful country…but must like the country. Must have a car or pickup. And all your food can be delivered via Amazon. No buses into town (except for the school kids). $ 1050.00 to $ 1,400.00 per week, plus housing on Nevada property. 3 to 4 loads a week. Please remember, when employment stops, so does the housing. Please send your resume.
There is only housing on the ranch. So, understand it is for employees only!! You can rent in town.
But you will be paid per mile you drive, to drop off hay on dedicated route. Then the next day you return to the ranch on dedicated route too. We will not pay for miles driven off the dedicated route.
About an 8 1/2-hour drive down to where you park. Then 8 hours to 7 3/4-hour drive back after unloading
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