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Casting Call for Multiple Film Roles


These are paying roles.

Breaking the Seal
Neil: Mid 20’s-30s Laid back. Facial expressions of panic are important.
Patrick: Mid 30’s-40’s Advice giver. 

Bad Advice
Pete: Mid 20s-30s Has a girlfriend. Gives advice that worked for him. But not for his friend Mike.
Mike: Middle 20s-30s Single. Gets advice that doesn’t work.
Megan: Middle 20s-30’s When she walks into a room, everyone stares. Doesn’t like pickup lines.
(Prefer modeling experience. But if not, it won’t be a deal breaker)

Bloody Mary
Mary Mid 20s-40s Bartender. Nice but can get very weird. Refusing to make anything, but Bloody Marys.
Carl: Mid 20s-30s Suit wearing. Wants to drink during the day. Calm, but can loose his temper when pushed. When he does scream it is high pitched.
Tina: Mid 20-30s Carl’s girlfriend for 2 years. Gets excited, but not over the top.

Bad Morning
Male or Female 20s-30s – Nothing is going right for this character waking up in the morning.
(Facial expressions are very important to this part.)

Lemonade Stand
John: Male mid 20s-30s Very nice, but gets his foot caught in his mouth a lot.
Daddy: Caucasian Male mid 40s-50s. Around 6 foot tall. Good build. Can wear a tank top.
(It’s a plus if you have tattoos on arms. But not a dealbreaker if you don’t.)
Little girl of Daddy: Caucasian female age between 9-10. Very nice manners.
Little boy of Daddy: Caucasian male age 7-8. No taller than 5’0 feet. Can talk with a blank stare. 

Film Audition Gone Wrong
Nick Johnston: Mid 20s-30s Very polite. Casting directors very rude. Nick doesn’t change his polite character no matter what.

Texting at Bar/Cafe
Matt – late 20s to mid 30s – Very shy and nervous
Sarah – mid to late 20s – Nice to strangers, just doing her job.
Joey – late 20s to mid 30s – Likes to push or entice Matt to break out of his shell.

Sketch Comedy Wife – Mid 30s to late 40s – possible recurring role

Females for modeling/acting. No nudes 
Women 21 and up. Great opportunity for new headshots. Acting will be offered. Films, short films, commercials, music videos, sketch comedy, etc.

Men/Women into all sports, gymnastics, dancing, can do splits, juggling, any and all talents.
All of this is a plus. We want know about your talents.

Male/Female Bartenders

Please send headshot, full body photo, and resume. Photos don’t have to be professional. 
If you don’t have a resume, just tell us a little about yourself.
If you are trying to break into the entertainment industry, please contact us.

Email to: paymenowent@yahoo.com 



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