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Breaking The UniParty

Whatever differences exist within the Uniparty,
between Republican John Boehner and Democrat Nancy Pelosi,
between Republican Mitch McConnell and Democrat Harry Reid,
get worked out behind closed doors. Those differences are NARROW.
lawliberty.org › breaking-the-uniparty

John Boehner blessed his top lieutenant, Representative Kevin McCarthy
to become the next speaker of the US House of Representatives…

Boehner is showing us what we already knew.
He and Mitch McConnell are the poster boys
of the Republican Establishment (Uni-party)
who more closely identify with the Dem/Marxists
than Trump Republicans who want to protect
and preserve our wonderful country.
Michael Opitz TW

Archconservatives drove out Boehner in 2015,
& denied McCarthy votes needed to succeed Boehner…

McCarthy moved into the office anyway &
warned he’ll use Dems to get elected



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