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Auto Repair Technician and Licensed State Inspector Top Pay$

  • Employment type : full-time

Do you want to make a lot of money and have more quality time with your family? Our family owned independent auto repair shop is looking for an experienced ASE Master Auto Repair Technician and Licensed VA State Inspector.

* Must have Current ASE Certificatons
* Must have Current VA State Inspection License
* Must have 5 plus years experience in independent auto repair.
* Must be honest, professional, team player, go above and beyond and take pride in your work.
* Must be accurate and able to diagnose and repair vehicles right the first time!

Benefits include: Competitive Pay; Paid Health Insurance (50/50); Dental, optional.

We take great care of our team and our team takes great care of our customers.

Come grow with us. Stop the commute and get your life back.


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