Weimaraner puppies ready now
Puppies of the Weimaraner breed are waiting for your affection! Silvers, blues, and two extremely rare longhairs! Docked tails, deworming, and initial vaccinations. There are both parents present. Dad is a 90lb silver , mom is a 70lb. blue. Puppies to loving family-pet homes only. Please message me to come pick your new baby!
Rehoming husky/malamutes
11 weeks old puppies need their forever homes. One boy and two girls. Contact me if you’d like to come meet them 🙂
Proven Lion Heads
I have a buck and a doe; the male is orange and the doe is grey. The buck and the does are established. Hope to find an owner who will love and care for them until they pass away. Are suitable for breeding or as pets. $30 each. Call or text for any questions.
How Is A Field Racist?
(Slaves worked in fields.) There is so little racism in the US that Democrats have to invent racism HOAXES. :Dennis Prager/Conservative Talk Radio (So schools are trying to make us racist again!) Schools won’t teach basics well. :Stranglehold. How Union Bosses Have Hijacked Our Government. R Larson. ’99. Online.
Looking for foster care or permanent home for my dog
I have a dog that will be two years in March that has anxiety, separation anxiety and confinement issues. I need someone that can take her in due to my schedule change. It’s not fair to her. She needs a better home. Or if you know a rescue that’s taking in special needs dogs let ...
Dog supplies
We have 2 dog run/ kennels 6ft tall 5?10 Comes with topper both have 1 door opening. I have small square missing because dog house was next to it. 1000 for both or 500 each for 1 kennel with topper.
tri xl bully pup $400
Tri XL male bully pup 8 months up for a new home. $400 obo. Hes going to be a big boy for more info call ir text show contact info
American Staffordshire terrier
Shes great loves outdoors people great with kids energetic just a real good puppy shell be a fantastic dog rehoming fee of 300 to insure that she goes to a good home you can get a hold by way of text show contact info . Ask for Brian thanks
FARM DOGS 1/2 German shepherd 1/4 Pyranees 1/4 Lab
Beautiful, smart, and tough 14-week-old puppies. Mother is a Great Pyrenees and Lab mix, while the father is an old-style German shepherd. Will require a house with enough space, daily care, and a $20 weekly food budget. Perfect for someone who lives and works a ranch, farm or scrapyard. No shots yet. But have been ...
I am rehoming a 14 weeks old male H U S K Y ready for his forever loving family it is updated on his shots and is been dewormed very playful and smart dog you can contact me with any information you need at show contact info
FOUND – Backpack
Found backpack (day pack) – it has very distinctive features – contact me with the “distinctive” features so I can get it back to you!!!
to the girl who whose grandfather worked at racine steel castings
you came into my restaurant about 15 yrs ago and told me a story about your grandfather who worked at racine steel castings. you were looking for something that he made in his off time hours. ive got something for you. reply to this ad and tell me what you were looking for
First Smart puppy
Two puppy males ready to go they are hypoallergenic (non shedding) first shot and first deworming done, rehoming fee is . Text for details.
Bearded dragon and accessories
Bearded dragon, tank, lighting, a cricket keeper, a lot of food, tanks, housing, and other enclosure-related items. He is quite large for someone who has just been alive for a year. Also food and water dish asking $200.
Doves. Plus others need new homes
I’m going to be moving really need someone to give good loving pet homes to my birds they can come with or without cages rehoming fees apply very reasonable please no places with cats doves are very tame parakeets are very young call for more info thanks Texts accepted too please no codes or anything ...