Quantico Marine Hangout
Just wondering if there are any Marines that might be up to hangout out tonight. Have a few drinks, chill, watch some TV. 35 year old military guy here, just get bored and don’t know many people around here.
weekend Jacksonville trip
Looking for a female to see if she would like to ride down with me and my cousin this upcoming weekend to go visit family fo a birthday. Real good guys no weird shit just quick good road trip.
Lost diamond ring
She lost her diamond ring, my lady. Diamond-shaped stone in size 6, resembling the diamond on a deck of cards. At the vegetation and where the beach converges, I got lost almost a week ago. She thought it was in her bag after taking it off at the beach before going into the water. Please ...
German shepherd puppy
3 month old German shepherd puppy first Shots Vaccinations are done . Vaccinations card on hand $250.00
Shorkie puppies ready
Shorkie female puppies are available for adoption. Call for more information. UDATE: I wrote a post for my younger sister. I’ll attempt to respond to every email as soon as I can, but you can text her at the number provided for more details. Thank you, and so sorry for the mix up.
The Little Mermaid
MRPS Masque Theatre presents Disney’s Little Mermaid! Come see the work of 55+ students from our district in this beautiful story of breaking free and finding your true self. February 16-18th at 7pm and February 19th at 2pm in the MHS (Montpelier High School) Auditorium To buy tickets in advance—> https://www.onthestage.tickets/show/montpelier-high-school/62d5a988b525460e305b7d11
When out shopping
When I was out shopping I thought that maybe you were looking at me but I wasn’t sure Me = 49 stocky white male You= looked to be older I know it’s a long shot but message me if you see this we can chat Good Day to all that read this !
Lost ring
Long shot, but if anyone has found a gold diamond ring, distinctive square settings, in south Boulder, especially in the Table Mesa shopping center, please message me. Lost it within the last two weeks between home and gym.
Singer vocalist jazz/singer
player/singer looking for auditi Classic player/singer looking for auditions WhatsApp 9392195 Yama 939<296<2195
Teach me and I’ll help you prune your fruit trees
Are you a fruit tree grower? If you grow peaches, nectarines, or apples…or have young almond/walnut trees that need to be pruned, I’d love to learn how. In exchange, I’ll help you prune them. Show me what to do and put me to work. I just want to learn how it’s done from the pros.
Senior fun
Spring is right around the corner. Looking for able body seniors who play well with others.
RE: Government helps Soros silence Conservatives
It’s called the “Free Market”, that thing you idiots love so much.
Home mechanic wanted
To get some tools to mend various things around the house, you should look for a home mechanic. I don’t really care how old or in what condition the tools are in. Willing to reimburse for any expenses for services. Let me know what you have.
year old male ferret
Descented and neutered year old male ferret, very sweet. Needs to go to a home with other ferrets Email for more info
Bright lives Home Daycare!
License home Daycare! 5 minutes away from Hellen Keller elementary school ! I have 20+ years of experience working with kids. The children learn to respect, care for others, and make friends on the way. The children will always have full alert attention, feel loved, and cared for. We will always be very understanding and ...
wanted, guppies or other livebearers
I am looking for guppies, endlers, mollies or other livebearer fish.